The line of balls drill has my number
There is a drill that no matter how hard I have tried I just can not complete. This line of balls drill is a drill where you line up the pool balls on the third diamond across the short side of the pool table. Then you use bottom position to stay on the same side of the balls and make them all in. You start behind the headstring on the edge ball. Anytime you touch another ball, end up in a position above the line of balls, or miss... you have to start the drill over. I have yet to complete this drill. Often I'll only get a single ball in. Other times I could be off on position with only one or two balls left. It's frustrating because I do so bad on this drill and I practice it for so long, that I'm certain I'm ingraining misses and bad position into my game. I'm set on a mission to eventually complete this drill. Today was Sunday. I didn't have custody of my kid, and I got all of my chores done yesterday. Today was going to be the day I beat this damn line ...